
que ojos hermosos tienes

i had hoped that the excursion to see the trans-putas would be an interesting exchange, but it did not happen as i exoected. glamourous, some half naked, some completely naked, with a certain presence to them that made me feel that i, a real woman, was just a misformed creature next to them: some looked more like a woman than i ever will, and that in itself was quite impressive. nothing compared to the transsexual and transvestite street workers in my neighbourhood who have bad implants and whose drug addictions can be seen written all over their bodies in scars and cernes. even if they aren´t beautiful in society´s eyes, these girls were beautiful.
but if you aren´t a paying client, you are nothing, and they have nothing to say or exchange with you.
basically, fuck off if you´ve just come to meet us, we have better things to do.

oh well.

today the sun has returned and i´ve been writing and drawing, laying in my hamoc under the sun. i think a siesta is in order to survive tonight though.


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